Demographic change, a lack of qualified personnel and insufficient services particularly in rural areas have put a strain on the Danube region’s health care systems. In order to find innovative solutions and engage individuals to tackle our most pressing challenges in the health and care area, the Danube Transnational Programme has now launched an Innovation Contest and is looking forward to your solutions!
The contest is open to organisations and individuals from the private and public sector whose products and ideas focus on smart health and care solutions. Each of the Innovation Contest regions (Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina) has set a regional focus for which they are seeking applications.
In Austria, solutions are sought that target several aspects of the daily lives of older adults with frailty and living isolated either in their remote homes or care facilities. Services and products shall focus on improving social inclusion, engage older adults in the community and prevent accidents at home, monitor medical conditions and alert in case of emergencies. These tools and solutions should be designed to be rolled out on a large scale to reduce healthcare and social costs in the long term with a rising number of older adults in need of care services.
Application deadline for the contest is 31 January 2022.
Find further information here.