EuroSafe and KFV are pleased to invite you to attend the EU-Safety 2022 Conference in Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna from 23. – 24. June 2022.
The registration for the event is now open and the link can be found here. The website also provides you with all necessary information for participation, including the COVID-19 safety regulations for the event, that will be updated on a regularly basis.
If you register before 15 April 2022, you can save 100 EUR on the conference fee!
The EU-Safety 2022 conference will bring together leading European stakeholders in research, policies and practice in the field of prevention of accidents and injuries. The conference will highlight the potential and the risks that new digital solutions offer to the key priority areas of injury prevention, such as the safety of children, older people, sports and leisure activities, vulnerable road users, consumer products and services. AAL solutions can especially be used in the area of injury prevention.
A detailed conference programme and further information on the event can be found here.