Information Day of the Call 2018


Unfolding the next funding opportunity of the AAl Programme

The 2018 AAL call Info day will take place on 31st January 2018 in Brussels. We are cooking a very exciting event for you so save this date on your calendar and do not miss the opportunity to be ahead of the curve!

Other than listening to the experts of the Programme, who will tell you about the DOs and DONTs for a running AAL project, you will assist to an interactive panel discussion with a focus on the market requirements for deploying AAL solutions. On the one hand, the focus will be put on BtoC ‘silver economy’ market and on the other hand on the more BtoB ‘regulated markets’ for health and care. For that purpose, different market players are invited with a supplier of AAL solutions for the silver economy market on the one hand (possibly added with a distributor for such solutions) and a buyer of AAL solutions in the care market, such as a hospital or a municipality.

After this panel, the AAL will provide you with a chance to pitch your project idea: the Info day offers you the right scene to engage with your future potential partners and start planning your project for 2018.


The topic of this call is “Smart Solutions for Ageing well”.  The aim of this call is to support innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects.

-AAL Call 2018 is open to collaborative projects developing ICT-based solutions targeting any application area(s) within the AAL domain, with a focus on specified markets.

– AAL Call 2018 allows for more flexibility regarding the scope, size and duration of the proposed projects (including small collaborative projects – please see below).


Want to pitch your project idea?

Prepare your most striking proposal and send it to no later than 23 January 2018.

Download this template here.


Read more:

AAL PROGRAMME – find more Information on the Website


Pre-announcement Call 2018