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Fostering Active & Healthy Ageing: Harnessing the Demographic Transition in the EU

18. Januar 2018 | 10:00 - 16:30

Population ageing is one of the most significant socio-economic challenges currently facing the EU. The European Commission’s 2015 Ageing Report forecasts that the EU will move from having four working-age (15-64) people for every person aged over 65 years in 2013, to just two by 2060.

This international symposium will offer an invaluable opportunity to consider different ways and strategies to promote healthy and active ageing and foster the engagement of the elderly in society, Furthermore, it will analyse challenges and opportunities raised by the demographic transition and explore practical solutions the issues associated with an ageing population in Europe. Finally, it will highlight the most recent technological innovations at service of the elderly and how they can be used to lower the costs associated with ageing and improve the lives of older citizens, whilst simultaneously helping to boost the economy.


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18. Januar 2018
10:00 - 16:30

