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Virtual Health Tech Hub Styria: ‚Climate and Health‘

26. Januar 2023

Health Tech Hub Styria is organizing two events in 2023, a virtual one in January and an on-site event in Graz in March 2023.

26 January 2023: Virtual HTH: ‚Climate and Health‘

Climate change will in future lead to an increase in extreme weather phenomena including, for example, all the effects of heat, storms and hurricanes as well as flooding caused by heavy or continuous rain. This will potentially have both direct and indirect health implications. The resulting direct health effects need not only be physical, such as infection, injury or, in extreme cases, death. Psychological stress, anxiety and depression can also result.

Indirect health effects and risks arise from adversely altered environmental conditions as a result of climate change. These include the impairment of the quality and quantity of drinking water and food, the altered or prolonged occurrence of biological allergens as well as animal disease vectors, such as ticks or mosquitoes.

30-31 March 2023: Health Tech Hub Styria – Pitch & Partner 2023 in Graz

This will be the well-established format in Graz with keynotes, pitching and networking possibilities including B2B meetings.

Further information will follow.


Find details here.


26. Januar 2023

